When Should You Drop Your Cards While Playing Rummy
The sole idea of playing rummy is to get rid of the high cards and declare as early as you can. This will help you win the rummy game. But it is not as easy as it looks. Rummy has been played over the years in almost every household in India. There are also various variations people play. But till now there has been no set of rules that you need to follow since every household in India plays this game differently. It is only when you start playing Rummy seriously is when you need to look at rules for the money.
Rummy is played with 2-6 players and uses a standard playing card deck of 52 cards. The first deal is chosen randomly and the game can go on for a couple of rounds till someone declares on the table. There are some specific steps to follow while playing this variant: draw is where each player must pick up a single card from the deck. You can then meld the cards according to sequences you have, and lastly lay off any extra card you have in the pile.
Moving forward from this point, there are certain scenarios during which you have to drop cards.
- When you notice that you hold very high valued cards with no real sequence in hand. This is when you need to drop off certain unwanted cards and start changing your sequences.
- Another scenario could be when there is no joker in hand and very high cards. This is also one scenario when you need to discard cards and let go of the kings, queens, and jacks preferably.
- When you do not have any sequential cards in hand, you need to start forming sequences using other cards. This is when you should start discarding unwanted cards.
- When you have low cards, no proper/pure sequence, or no joker cards. The first thing you must do is look for these sequences in the initial round, then you can go ahead and decide which cards you want to keep or which ones you want to discard.
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